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Suckler Cow Husbandry


The LVAT is a recognized breeding farm for the Uckermärker breed and an active member of the Uckermärker interest group. The aim is to produce both male and female breeding stock. Male weaners suitable for breeding are subjected to performance testing on site, the rest are fattened in the performance testing facility. Special attention is paid in the breeding work to the characteristics of easy calving, good udder quality and hornlessness.

The consistent use of good breeding bulls has led to a continuous improvement of the suckler cow herd. Functional characteristics (including claw and limb position, fertility), are taken into account in the selection of female breeding stock. Proof of the successful breeding work are the animals from our herd, which are listed in the top list of the best female and male sires (published at www.vit.de/en/).


Weatherproof cattle- grazing all year round


The 80-90 mother cows graze our grasslands with their calves. They are kept on the pastures all year round. A thickly straw bedded winter quarters on arable land far from groundwater guarantees our cattle a pleasant winter. Our cows are fed hay from land with use restrictions (conservation and late cutting) in the winter when they are dry (calfless, pregnant) to ensure low birth weights.


Production performance 2019

Suckler cow husbandry

Calves born


Rearing rate

(based on the number of calves born)

99,0 %

Daily gains until weaning

Bull calves 1.231 g/day

Heifer calves 1.102 g/day

Breeding animal sales

4 breeding bulls
