Performane Testing Sheep
At Groß Kreutz, the stationary progeny and origin testing for ram lambs is carried out according to the principles of the "Ordinance on Performance Testing and Breeding Value Determination for Sheep and Goats".
- On the one hand, feeding and husbandry conditions determine the fattening and slaughter performance of the lambs. On the other hand, genetic predisposition determines the extent to which feed resources are converted into meat.
- The aim of the station test is to determine the breeding value of sires as an expression of their performance heredity based on the fattening and slaughtering performance of the offspring under uniform housing and feeding conditions (intensive fattening conditions). We are also testing cross-breeding variants of different sheep breeds.
- For this purpose, 6 to 10 male offspring of each sire are subjected to testing.
- The testing station has a total of 200 fattening places, where 25 to 30 ram offspring (200 to 250 test lambs) are tested annually for their fattening and slaughter performance.
- Concentrated feed (lamb pellets) is supplied ad libitum via automatic concentrate feeders. The raw fiber requirement is ensured by the administration of 200 g straw/animal and day. Water is available to the animals via self-drinking troughs.
- Housing is in group pens (maximum 10 lambs) on straw.
- The supplying farm must comply with the requirements of the prophylactic program for breeding animals in the state of Brandenburg.
- The stabling weight of the animals is 20 kg (age approx. 6 weeks). Slaughtering takes place with a final fattening weight of 42 kg.
Recorded characteristics:
- Test day gains
- energy conversion
- Slaughter performance
The results of the performance tests are published annually in the Annual Report and Animal Breeding Report (published by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Agriculture and the State Office for Rural Development, Agriculture and Land Consolidation).
Online you can find the results published under page of the LELF in the section sheep/goats.
Dr. Michael Jurkschat
Tel.: 033207 / 53043