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Sheep Farming


LVAT Groß Kreutz is a recognized breeding farm for the sheep breeds German Blackheaded Mutton Sheep (SKF) and Merinolandschaf Sheep (ML). For this purpose, a large ewe flock of about 550 animals is kept, half of which are SKF mothers and half ML mothers. The tasks consist of:

  • Breeding work
  • Landscape management
  • Implementation of practical experiments in cooperation with the LELF
  • Seminars/ training courses in cooperation with the LELF on:
    • husbandry and feeding
    • Shearing
    • hoof care
    • Grazing

The management of the sheep flock during the year

1. Mating Season (August-September)

2. Entering and Shearing (End of November)


3. Lambing Season (January - March)

4. Performance of stable intensive fattening of weaned lambs


5. Grazing (May - End of November)


So far greatest breeding successes with the German Blackheaded Mutton Sheep in the flock Groß Kreutz:



Herbook number

Federal elite of 13/14.03.2003 in Neumünster

1 a- prize winner

BB LV 22163

Federal elite from 17./18.03.2004 in Northeim

1 a- prize winner,
1 a- prize winner

BB LV 203148,
BB LV 203149

Federal elite of 15/16.03.2005 in Alsfeld

1 b- prize winner

BB LV 204188