Artificial intelligence for detecting respiration in dairy cows
Timeframe: Juli 2021 - Juli 2024
Development of a low-cost AI-based early warning system of sick and/or stressed dairy cows. The goal is to increase animal welfare and avoid financial losses. Infrared thermography and depth cameras are used to detect individual respiratory rates. The images are processed with the help of AI.
(Source: Homepage KAMI)
- Leibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik und Bioökonomie
- Universität Hildesheim
- Die Datenschmiede GmbH
- Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt für Tierzucht und Tierhaltung e.V. Ruhlsdorf/Groß Kreutz
For detailed information see:
Energy Smart Livestock Farming towards Zero Fossil Fuel Comsumption
Timeframe: 10.2020 - 09.2024
The overall goal of RES4LIVE is to provide advanced and cost-effective livestock technologies that ensure farm sustainability and high thermal comfort for livestock to increase productivity with minimal impact on climate change.
The strategic goal is to develop and bring to market integrated, cost-effective, and case-based RES solutions to achieve fossil-free livestock production. To this end, RES4LIVE will adapt and test promising RES technologies in energy-intensive livestock (swine, dairy, and poultry) to significantly reduce fossil energy, which is the main source of energy demand. Targeted optimal concepts in combination with energy efficiency and other solutions will be proposed, demonstrated in 4 pilot farms and evaluated technically, economically, environmentally and socially.
(Source: Homepage RES4LIVE)
The project includes 17 partners from 8 countries. The consortium consists of 4 universities, 4 research institutions, 6 SMEs, 1 farm and 2 international associations.
For detailed information see:
Innovation Network Cattle
WG 2 Cattle for fattening: IP 2 "Innovative housing systems in cattle fattening".
Investigation of possible positive influences on animal welfare, fattening and slaughter performance of fattening bulls through outdoor climate stimulation and improvement of already existing housing conditions.
Timeframe: 05.2021 - 07.2025
The aim is the creation of a uniform concept of housing conditions in the fattening cattle husbandry and the derivation of recommendations for the practical implementation of the adjustments for the farmer. At LVAT Groß Kreutz, an outdoor climate stimulus in the form of a two-area pen with a flexible barn cover is to be made available for some of the fattening bulls. To improve existing housing systems, additional ventilation systems, trough drinkers and scratching facilities will be installed in the fattening bull pen. The influences on the well-being of the bulls will then be assessed on the basis of behavior, physiology and environmental analyses.
(Source: Experimental design Dr. med. vet. Gundula Hoffmann, Dr. rer. agr. Julia Heinicke, Kay Fromm)
Partner: ATB - Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy
For detailed information see:
EIP-Project KmW
"KUH-mehr-WERT Navigator"
Timeframe: 10.2017 - 05.2023
The aim of the project is to provide dairy farmers with a working tool that enables them to identify problem areas precisely as a result of system analysis and monitoring, to make well-founded decisions at cow and farm level, to recognize changes in risk factors promptly and to compare cows and farms. Risks that affect performance and animal health should be continuously minimized. The mechanisms of action and risk factors are to be identified, weighted and economically evaluated with the help of repeated system analyses and directed influence. The data obtained are to form the basis for the extended, new key figure "KUHmehr-WERT". By means of a software module, this will be developed into a practical modular decision-making tool, the "KUH-mehrWERT Navigator".
(Source: Homepage KmW)
- Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt für Tierzucht und Tierhaltung e.V. Ruhlsdorf/Groß Kreutz
- DSP – Dataservice Paretz GmbH
- ADTI – Albrecht-Daniel-Thaer-Institut für Agrar- und Veterinärwissenschaften e.V.
- LKV – Landeskontrollverband Berlin-Brandenburg eV, Waldsieversdorf
- RBB Rinderproduktion Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH, Groß Kreutz
- vit – Vereinigte Informationssysteme Tierhaltung w.V., Verden
- diverse projektbeteiligte Betriebe
For detailed information see:
Climate Project- KIBRA
Timeframe: 09.2021 - 12.2024
In this project, a regionally adapted concept for the reduction of GHG emissions is to be developed for cattle and pig farms in Brandenburg. This concept should serve as a guideline for the farms in the realization of the climate targets and promote the exchange of successful measures and transfer of innovative procedures from the field of animal husbandry. The existing farm GHG indicator systems are to be adapted to the special Brandenburg framework conditions and transferred and implemented into a separate climate impact index "KIBRA". On the basis of developed models at the participating practice partners, all farms in the state of Brandenburg can implement their own measures for minimizing GHG emissions and for sustainable animal production in the context of overall societal requirements according to this climate impact index. By offering target group-specific eLearning courses and various other knowledge transfer events, experiences and recommendations for action on GHG mitigation strategies are transferred into broad practice.
Another goal is to test future technologies to reduce GHG emissions in animal husbandry and integrate them into the stables of the future. The Brandenburg ZIFOG funds are to be used to develop the barns of the future in the state of Brandenburg and to build them at LVAT. Both in the planning process and in the realization, great importance is to be attached to the lowest possible GHG emissions of the planned barn variants. The results from the GHG recording and the potential improvements identified in the process can be used for the planning and consultation of low-emission and at the same time animal-friendly dairy cow husbandry in Brandenburg.
The overall project serves to protect the environment and the climate by optimizing resource consumption while improving animal welfare and animal health, as well as strengthening the economic position of the farms.
- Institut für Fortpflanzung der Nutztiere Schönow e.V. (IFN)
- Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt für Tierzucht und Tierhaltung e.V. Ruhlsdorf/Groß Kreutz
Project "Sustainability in cattle farming
Timeframe: 2022 - 2024
Since the beginning of 2014, we have been working on a project on sustainability in cattle farming, which is funded by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Agriculture (MIL).
For a sustainable development in agriculture, the three areas ecology, economy and social with their respective building blocks must be equally considered. The following topics are currently being worked on, among others:
- Feed monitoring of dairy cows (TMR, rumen filling, manure consistency).
- Evaluation of BCS (Body Condition Score) and lameness on dairy cattle
- Development and evaluation of a questionnaire on social sustainability
- Recording of working hours and evaluation "Year-round outdoor housing of suckler cows”
- Evaluation of mineral consumption of suckler cows
- Observation and evaluation of the use of an artificial shaded area by suckler cows during heat stress
- Recording and evaluation of Biodiversity on agricultural land
- Recording and evaluation of flora on grassland areas
Project: “Automation and digitization in Agriculture"
Timeframe: 2019 - 2022
The aim of this project is to test methods, technologies and possibilities of digitization and thus to further development or the adaptation to requirements. Various approaches to digitization and technologies were transferred to practical agriculture and animal husbandry and evaluated with regard to their functionality and their added value. The following technologies were tested:
- NIRS technology for monitoring nutrient levels in manure and feed
- Use of a hose ventilation system in calf husbandry
- Digitization in pasture fencing technology
- Public relations in social media
EIP project "Optimization of organic pig/sow farming in Brandenburg through innovation in husbandry and feeding".
Timeframe: 2016 - 2021
Practice Need:
Despite a high proportion of organic land in Brandenburg and a still growing organic market, consumers from Berlin and Brandenburg can hardly obtain regional organic pork. To expand organic pig and sow farming, practical husbandry and feeding concepts and concrete management recommendations for farms are needed. In order to provide farms with a decision-making aid for entering organic pig and sow farming, the economic viability has to be demonstrated by means of a concept adapted to Brandenburg conditions.
The project aims to demonstrate ways to increase the economic viability of organic pig and sow farming in Brandenburg, thereby increasing the attractiveness of the practice to other pig farmers. In order to achieve these goals, it is necessary to develop an organic housing system that noticeably reduces piglet mortality and contributes to a good health condition of sows and piglets. Furthermore, it is necessary to develop feeding concepts that are based on the farm's own nutrient sources and thus ensure closed farm nutrient cycles. With the business plan based on this, a plausible cost-benefit analysis is carried out. The establishment of a network for Brandenburg farms will support the targeted, timely exchange of information and knowledge.
LAB – Landwirtschaftliche Beratung der Agrarverbände Brandenburg GmbH
Dieter Schenke
Telefon: 0355. 541 466
- Agrargenossenschaft eG Preschen (landwirtschaftlicher Betrieb)
- Bio- Landhof GbR & Reiter- und Freizeithof Kutzenberger Mühle e.V.
- Kreisbauernverband des Spree-Neiße Kreises e.V.
- Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt für Tierzucht und Tierhaltung e.V. Ruhlsdorf / Groß Kreutz
- David Netzker (landwirtschaftlicher Betrieb)
- Hanno Offen (landwirtschaftlicher Betrieb
Starting with the implementation of a weak point analysis in husbandry and feeding at the participating practical farms, an initial concept is developed. On the basis of several test series, a veterinary, work-economical and economic evaluation and continuous further development of the housing system and the farm's nutrient cycle is carried out. The results are summarized in the business plan for ecological sow farming in Brandenburg. In parallel, further training, information days and farm visits are offered for farmers. The behavior of the "eco pigs" can be followed live via a webcam.
For detailed information see: