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Performance Testing Pig


Performance testing of pigs at the Ruhlsdorf site has a very long tradition in Germany (1918). Performance testing is carried out in according to the regulations on performance testing and breeding value determination for pigs on behalf of the state of Brandenburg. In Brandenburg, the hybrid pig breeding association Nord-Ost e.V. (HSZV) is responsible for the breeding of the breeds Landrace, Edelschwein, Sattelschwein, Pietrain, Hampshire and Duroc.

At the moment on behalf of the HSZV Nord-Ost e.V. the progeny and sibling testing is carried out. Also for this association and also for breeding companies, company testing (origin testing) is carried out on end products (three- and two-breed crosses) or the mother bases from the propagation breeding (F1 animals or purebred animals). Approximately 200 offspring of 30 breeding sires are tested per mother breed and year.

All tests are based on a uniform testing standard, which is coordinated with all federal states as well as the countries Austria and Switzerland (Bundesverband Rind und Schwein - Mitgliedergruppe Schwein (rind-schwein.de)). Annual meetings of technicians with joint comparative measurements ensure uniform data collection on the slaughter animal.

Progeny testing

Progeny testing for fattening performance, carcass value and meat quality is an important basis for pig breeding in the state of Brandenburg. The results of the exact characteristic identification are used for the performance selection of the breeding animals and important decisions in the breeding strategy.

Origin testing

Since 1995, the well-established testing of broiler origins from piglet production farms has been carried out. The results, obtained under constant and neutral housing and feeding conditions, are an important source of information on the performance status of the farms. There are possibilities for comparison with the performance characteristics of different origins and matings determined over many years. By keeping test conditions constant and applying modern statistical evaluation and correction methods, generally transferable statements are obtained.

On the basis of an exact feed intake recording with electronic feed stations, an exact attribution of the nutrient input to the nutrient approach on the animal is possible.

Boar testing for sex odor

This performance test is used for sensory evaluation of meat and fat of future breeding boars based on their offspring. In addition, correlations between sex odor, general performance traits and other biological traits (testicular weights) are determined.

The following barn equipment is available at the Performance Testing Station (LPA) Ruhlsdorf:

- 224 piglet rearing places (8 compartments with 4 pens for 7-12 piglets each).

- 264 testing places for progeny testing in groups of 2 (6 compartments with 44 places)

- 376 testing places in large groups (7 compartments with 3 pens for max. 14 animals per pen, 1 compartment with 6 pens for max. 14 animals per pen)

- Feed recording stations from Insentec Hokofarm BV Holland in the group pens

All animals are slaughtered in our own slaughterhouse, which is EU certified. Carcass classification is done with the Fat-O-Meater II from Carometec.

Inspection regime

- Purchase and collection from the breeder:

-  Age of the animals: after weaning at 21-30 days of life.

- Weight of the animals: 7-15 kg

- Testing:

- 30 kg live mass to 85 kg or 113 kg carcass mass.

- the fattening performance refers to the mass achieved in the test section 30 kg to the actual    mass achieved at the end of the test

- posture:

- partially slatted floor and heated lying area.

- Feeding:

-  The test feed used complies with the nutrient contents prescribed by the Central Association of German Pig Production (ZDS), which is an important prerequisite for nationwide comparability of performances

- Performance parameters:

- Fattening performance:

- Test day gains,

- Feed consumption in kg per kg gain,

- Feed consumption in kg per day

- Slaughter performance:

- Muscle meat percentage

- Back muscle area and length

- pH value

- Meat color

- Drip loss etc.

The results of the various performance tests appear annually in the Annual Report and Animal Breeding Report (published by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Agriculture and the State Office for Rural Development, Agriculture and Land Consolidation).

Online you can find the results published under page of the LELF in the section Pigs.


Dr. Thomas Paulke


Phone: +49 (0)3328 / 436121

Fax: +49 (0)3328 / 309139

