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Animal Sales

Sales of Uckermark breeding animals

Depending on the season, we offer from our Uckermakr suckler cow:

  • Heifers
  • Pregnant heifers
  • Weanlings
  • Licensed bulls

Our Stock ist BHV1 and BVD free.

Please address inquiries to :



or by phone to

Detlef May on (+49)33207-33252 or (+49)177-2677420

Sales of Boer goats

From August we sell Boer gots (Breeding animals and utility animals) from our Herd of goats. Orders can be placed from May at the following e-mail adress :

Sales of breeding animals of breeds German Blackheaded Mutton Sheep (SKF) and Merinolandschaf Sheep (ML)

We sell breeding animals and utility animals from our flock of sheep :

  • Female breeding lambs (late of April to June)
  • Breeding bucks (all year round)

Please address inquiries to :



or by telephone to

Mr. May on (+49)33207-33252 or (+49)177-2677420
